Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Papercraft Land of Enchantment Forum Hoard + 8-bit village

Made by Squirmydad and four other members of the Cardboard Warriors Forum, this month's 2D papercraft "Forum Hoard" figures on One Monk features Star Wars' General Grievous leading an army of Ice Elementals against a half-Elven rogue and the Order of Elk Knights in against the background of an 8-bit village. Why not? ;o)

Download + build your own papercraft Land of Enchantment Forum Hoard + 8-bit village (and lots more, by Squirmydad and others for One Monk):


  1. Actually, this is hosted by One Monk dot com, the figures were crafted by myself and four other artists at the Cardboard Warriors forum. There is a different theme idea each month and all are welcome to submit works to the monthly Hoard showcases.

    1. Sorry for the incorrect post, and thanks for correcting me, I changed the post. ;o)
